时 间:2018年10月22日(周一)14:30
地 点:半岛·体育 (中国) 官方网站樱顶老图书馆
主讲人:曹健林教授 原中国科学技术部副部长、党组成员
题 目:我的中国芯——我国集成电路及相关产业的若干最新进展
从事软X射线多层膜技术研究。两次获得国家科技进步二等奖(1995年、2001年);荣获1995年度全国先进工作者;1996年度中科院第四届青年科学家一等奖;1996年国家杰出青年基金项目奖;1997年度中国光学学会科技奖。在国内外学术刊物上发表论文80余篇。任《光学 精密工程》、《光学学报》主编。
Brief Introduction of Professor Jianlin Cao
Jianlin Cao graduated from the Department of Physics at Fudan University in 1982 and obtained his PhD degree from the joint-training program at the Changchun Institute of Optics and Fine Mechanics (CIOFM), Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS) and Tohoku University in Japan in 1989. He undertook Executive Deputy Director (legal representative) and Director of CIOFM from 1994-1998, as well as Director of the Changchun Institute of Optics, Fine Mechanics and Physics (CIOMP) since 1999. He served as an assistant to the President of CAS, as the head of the preparatory CAS Opto-Electronics, Director of State Key Laboratory of Applied Optics (SKLAO), president of a council, International SSL Alliance (ISA), president of a council, China Integrated Circuit Industry Technical Innovation Strategic Alliance. In September 2006, he was appointed as Vice Minister of the Ministry of Science and Technology of China. He is also Editor-in-Chief of the journals Optics and Precision Engineering and Acta Optica Sinica. Meanwhile, he holds editorial member positions with several other academic journals.
Jianlin Cao works in the area of x-ray multilayer technology research and has received recognition both domestically in China and internationally for his outstanding achievements. He was one of the first researchers to be selected for the “CAS 100 talents” in 1994 and received first grade awards for young scientists from CAS in 1995 and the National Nature Science Foundation for Distinguished Young Scholars of China in 1997.
时 间:2018年10月24日(周三)9:00
地 点:半岛·体育 (中国) 官方网站樱顶老图书馆
主讲人:余海岁教授 英国皇家工程院院士
题 目:科研创新之道How to Go about Doing Research?
Hai-Sui Yu (余海岁)教授现任英国利兹大学常务副校长,2011年当选英国皇家工程院院士。1990年于英国牛津大学获得博士学位,2000获授澳大利亚纽卡斯尔大学荣誉科学博士学位。曾为英国诺丁汉大学岩土工程研究中心创始人、主任、教授,曾担任英国诺丁汉大学副校长。长期从事理论及计算岩土力学、岩土本构关系、岩土构筑物相互作用、岩土原位测试技术、道路岩土力学等方面的理论和应用研究。已发表论文200余篇,出版英文专著2本(中译本现已出版),英文合著1本。余海岁教授是国际期刊《Geomechanics and Geoengineeering: An international Journal》创刊主编,现并担任《Acta Geotechnica》的Editor。曾先后获得:澳大利亚岩土力学协会的杰出成就特诺洛普(1998);英国土木工程协会的最高成就泰尔福特(2000);美国Shamsher Prakash基金会的国际最杰出岩土力学科学家奖(2003);国际岩土力学计算方法与进展协会-德赛奖(2008);国际岩土力学计算方法与进展协会卓越贡献奖(2014);英国岩土工程协会最佳论文奖章(2015)等。曾担任国际岩土力学及岩土工程学会第一任James K. Mitchell讲座人。在过去三十年中,余海岁教授曾与含中国、美国、英国、加拿大、澳大利亚、新西兰、法国、奥地利、意大利等多个国家和地区的世界顶级岩土中心开展合作研究。
Brief Introduction of Professor Hai-Sui Yu
Professor Hai-Sui Yu is Deputy Vice-Chancellor at the University of Leeds, UK, and is a Fellow of the Royal Academy of Engineering from 2011. He obtained his PhD degree from Oxford University in 1990 and was awarded a higher doctorate (D.Sc.) in 2000 by the University of Newcastle, Australia. Previously he was the foundation Professor of Geotechnical Engineering and Pro-Vice-Chancellor at the University of Nottingham. Professor Yu's main research activities have focused on theoretical and computational geomechanics, constitutive modelling, soil-geo-structure interaction, in-situ soil testing, and pavement & railway geotechnics. He has published over 200 high quality publications including 2 sole-authored research monographs (have also been translated into Chinese), and 1 co-authored book. He is the founding Editor-in-Chief of Geomechanics amd Geoengineering, a Co-Editor of Acta Geotechnica. He has been awarded many international medals and prizes for his research work, which include Australian Geomechanics Society’s Trollope Medal in 1998, Institution of Civil Engineers’ highest research paper award, the Telford Medal, in 2000, Shamsher Prakash Foundation’s Research Award in 2003, the first James K Mitchell Lecture of the International Society for Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering in 2004, the Chandra Desai Medal of the International Association for Computer Methods and Advances in Geomechanics in 2008, International Association for Computer Methods and Advances in Geomechanics Outstanding Contributions Medal in 2014, and the British Geotechnical Association Medal for 2015. Throughout his academic career, Professor Yu has also worked with leading institutions in the USA, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, China, Hong Kong, Taiwan, France, Austria, and Italy.
时 间:2018年10月25日(周四)晚上19:00
地 点:樱顶老图书馆
题 目:拿破仑与法国大革命的终结(Napoleon: How to End a Revolution)
威廉•多伊尔(William Doyle)系英国布里斯托尔大学历史学教授,英国法国史研究学会(Society for the Study of French History)创始人之一,1995~1998年担任学会主席;英国皇家历史学会成员;法国波尔多—贝桑松学术院通讯院士。因其在法国史研究领域的卓越贡献,1998年荣膺英国国家学术院院士(Fellow of the British Academy)。曾担任《法国史》(French History)、《英国历史评论》(English Historical Review)、《历史、经济与社会》(Histoire, Economie et Société)等国际知名刊物的主编或编委。先后在牛津大学、剑桥大学、法国社会科学高等研究院、普林斯顿高等研究院、美国里士满大学等任历史学讲席教授。多伊尔教授在18世纪法国史、法国大革命史等研究领域享有盛誉。其代表作包括《法国大革命的起源》(Origins of the French Revolution)、《牛津法国大革命史》(The Oxford History of the French Revolution)、《捐官制:18世纪法国的卖官鬻爵》(Venality. The Sale of Offices in Eighteenth Century France)等,多部著作被翻译为中文、日文、法文、意大利文和葡萄牙文等。
时 间:2018年10月26日(周五)晚19:00
地 点:樱顶老图书馆
主讲人:麦大维(David Lawrence McMullen)教授
题 目:唐代的公与私:一个问题的再评估(Public and Private in Tang China: a Reconsideration)
麦大维(David Lawwrence McMullen)教授,英国学士院院士,剑桥大学圣约翰学院终身院士,是享誉欧美学界的著名汉学家。麦大维教授于1967年在剑桥大学获得博士学位后任教于剑桥大学,1989年担任剑桥大学中国学讲座教授和亚非学院东亚研究所所长、中国研究中心主任,曾任全英中国研究协会主席。麦大维教授是著名小说家金庸先生在剑桥大学攻读博士学位时的导师。